Profissão de Fé do Blog.

Profissão de Fé do Blog "Creio em um só Deus, Pai onipotente, Criador do céu e da terra, de todas as coisas visíveis e invisíveis. E em um só Senhor, Jesus Cristo, Filho Unigênito de Deus, nascido do Pai, antes de todos os séculos. Deus de Deus, Luz de Luz, Deus verdadeiro de Deus verdadeiro. Gerado, mas não feito, consubstancial ao Pai, pelo qual foram feitas todas as coisas. Ele, por causa de nós, homens, e nossa salvação, desceu dos céus. E se incarnou por obra do Espírito Santo, da Virgem Maria. E se fez homem. Foi também crucificado por nós; sob Pôncio Pilatos, padeceu e foi sepultado. E ressuscitou ao terceiro dia, segundo as Escrituras. Subiu ao céu, está sentado à direita do Pai, de onde há de vir segunda vez, com glória, a julgar os vivos e os mortos; e seu reino não terá fim. Creio no Espírito Santo, que é Senhor e Fonte da Vida e que procede do Pai e do Filho. Com o Pai e o Filho é juntamente adorado e glorificado, e é o que falou pelos Profetas. Também a Igreja, una, santa, católica e apostólica. Confesso um Batismo para remissão dos pecados. E espero a ressurreição dos mortos, e a vida do século futuro." Amém.

sábado, 20 de dezembro de 2014

Linha de sucessão de Utrecht.

Roman - OId Catholic Succession: (Sucessão Católica-Velha Romana)
(1) Peter, 38; 
(2) Linus, 67; 
(3) Ancletus {Cletus}, 76; 
(4) Clement, 88; 
(5) Evaristus, 97; 
(6) Alexander I, 105; 
(7) Sixtus I, 115; 
(8) Telesphorus, 125; 
(9) Hygimus, 136; 
(10) Pius I, 140; 
(11) Anicetus, 155; 
(12) Soter, 166; 
(13) Eleutherius, 175; 
(14) Victor I, 189; 
(15) Zephyrinus, 199; 
(16) Callistus 1, 217; 
(17) Urban I, 222; 
(18) Pontian, 230; 
(19) Anterus, 235; 
(20) Fabian, 236; 
(21) Cornelius, 251; 
(22) Lucius I., 253; 
(23) Stephen I, 254; 
(24) Sixtus II, 257; 
(25) Dionysins, 259; 
(26) Felix I, 269; 
(27) Eutychian, 275; 
(28) Caius, 283; 
(29) Marcellinus, 296; 
(30) Marcellius I, 308; 
(31) Eucebius, 309; 
(32) Melchiades {Miltiades}, 311; 
(33) Sylvester I, 314; 
(34) Marcus, 336; 
(35) Julius I, 337; 
(36) Liberius, 352 Liberius was expelled from Rome by the Arian Emperor Constantius, during bis absence, the See of Rome was held by Felix II, who resigned upon the retum of Liberius from his two year exile.;
(37) Damasus I, 366; 
(38) Siricius, 384; 
(39) Anastasius I, 399; 
(40) Innocent I, 401; 
(41) Zosimus, 411; 
(42) Boniface I, 418; 
(43) Celestine I, 422; 
(44) Sixtus III, 432; 
(45) Leo I, 440; 
(46) Hilary, 461; 
(47) Simplicius, 468; 
(48) Felix lII, 483; 
(49) Gelasius I, 492; 
(50) Anastasius II, 496; 
(51) Symmachus, 498; 
(52) Hormisdus, 514; 
(53) John I, 523; 
(54) Felix lV, 526; 
(55) Boniface II, 530; 
(56) John II, 535; 
(57) Agapitus, 535, 
(58) Sylverius, 536; 
(59) Vigilus, 537; 
(60) Pelagius I, 556; 
(61) John IIII, 561; 
(62) Benedict 1, 575; 
(63) Pelagius II, 579; 
(64) Gregory 1, 590; 
(65) Sabinianus, 604; 
(66) Boniface III, 607; 
(67) Boniface IV, 608; 
(68) Deusdedit {Adeodatus I}, 615; 
(69) Boniface V, 619; 
(70) Honorius, 625; 
(71) Severinus, 640; 
(72) John IV, 640; 
(73) Theodore I, 642; 
(74) Martin I, 649; 
(75) Engene I, 654; 
(76) Vitalian, 657; 
(77) Adeodatus II, 672; 
(78) Donus, 676; 
(79) Agatho, 678; 
(80) Leo II, 682; 
(81) Benedict II, 684; 
(82) John V, 685; 
(83) Conon, 686; 
(84) Sergius I, 687; 
(85) John VI, 701; 
(86) John VII, 705; 
(87) Sisinnius, 708; 
(88) Constantine, 708; 
(89) Gregory II, 715 
(90) Gregory III,731; 
(91) Zachary, 741; 
(92) Stephen lI, 752; 
(93) Paul I, 757; 
(94) Stephen III, 768; 
(95) Adrian I, 772; 
(96) Leo III, 795; 
(97) Stephan IV, 816; 
(98) Paschal I, 817; 
(99) Engene II, 824; 
(100) Valentine, 827; 
(101) Gregory IV, 827; 
(102) Sergius II,844; 
(103) Leo IV, 847; 
(104) Benedict III, 855; 
(105) Nicholas I, 858; 
(106) Adrian II, 867; 
(107) John VIII, 872; 
(108) Marinus I, 882; 
(109) Adrian III, 884; 
(110) Stephen V, 885; 
(111) Formosus, 891; 
(112) Boniface VI; 
(113) Steven VI, 897; 
(114) Romanus, 897; 
(115) Theodore lI, 897; 
(1l6)John IX, 898; 
(117) Benedict IV, 900; 
(118) Leo V, 903; 
(119) Sergius 111,904; 
(120) Anastasius III, 911; 
(121) Landus, 913; 
(122) Jobn X, 914; 
(123) Leo VI, 938; 
(124) Stephen VII, 928; 
(125) John XI, 931; 
(126) Leo VII, 936; 
(127) Stephen VIII, 939; 
(128) Maginus II, 942; 
(129) Agapitus II, 946; 
(130) John XIII, 955; 
(131) Leo VII, 963; 
(132) Benedict V, 964; 
(133) John XIV, 965; 
(134) Benedict VI, 973; 
(135) Benedict VII, 974; 
(136) John XIV, 983, 
(137) John XV, 985; 
(138) Gregory V, 996; 
(139) Sylvester II, 999; 
(140) John XVII, 1003; 
(141) John XVIII, 1004; 
(142) Sergius IV, 1009; 
(143) Benedict VIII, 1012; 
(144) John XIX, 1024; 
(145) Benedict lX, 1032; 
(146) Sylvester III, 1045; 
147) Benedict IX (Second time}, 1045 
(148) Gregory VI, 1045; 
(149) Clement II, 1046; 
(150) Benedict IX {Third time}, 1047 
(151) Damasus II, 1048; 
(152) Leo IX, 1049; 
(153) Victor II, 1055; 
(154) Stephan IX, 1057; 
(155) Nicholas II, 1059; 
(156) Alexander II., 1061; 
(157) Gregoiy VII, 1073; 
(158) Victor III, 1087; 
(159) Urban II, 1088; 
(160) Paschal II, 1099; 
(161) Gelasius II, 1118; 
(162) Callstus II, 1119; 
(163) Honorius II, 1124; 
(164) lnnocent II, 1130; 
(165) Celestine II, 1143; 
(166) Lucius II, 1144; 
(167) Engene III, 1145; 
(168) Anastasius IV, 1153; 
(169) Adrian IV, 1154; 
(170) Alerander III, 1159; 
(171) Lucius lII, 1181; 
(172) Urban III, 1185; 
(173) Gregory VIII, 1187; 
(174) Clement III, 1187; 
(175) Celestine III, 1191; 
(176) Innocent III, 1198; 
(177) Honorius III, 1216; 
(178) Gregory IX, 1227; 
(179) Celestine IV, 1241; 
(180) Innocent IV, 1243; 
(181) Alexander IV, 1254: 
(182) Urban IV, 1261; 
(183) Clement IV, 1265; 
(184) Gregory X, 1271; 
(185) Innocent V, 1276; 
(186) Adriam V, 1276; 
(187) John XXI, 1276; 
(188) Nicholas III, 1277; 
(189) Martin IV, 1281; 
(190) Honorius IV, 1285; 
(191) Nicholas IV, 1288; 
(192) Celestine V, 1294; 
(193) Boniface VIII, 1294; 
(194) Benedict XI, 1303; 
(195) Clement V, 1305; 
(196) John XXII, 1316; 
(197) Benedict XII, 1334; 
(198) Clement VI, 1342; 
(199) Innoocent VI, 1352; 
(200) Urban V, 1362; 
(201) Gregory XI, 1370; 
(202) Urban VI, 1378; 
(203) Boniface IX, 1389; 
(204) Innocent VII, 1389; 
(205) Gregory XII, 1406; 
(206) Martin V, 1417; 
(207) Engene IV, 1431; 
(208) Nicholas V, 1447; 
(209) Callistus III, 1455; 
(210) Pius II, 1458; 
(211) Paul Il, 1464; 
(212) Sixtus IV, 1471; 
(213) Innocent VIII, 1484; 
(214) Alexander VI, 1492; 
(215) Pius III, 1503; 
(216) Julius lI, 1503; 
(217) LeoX, 1513; 
(218) Adrian VI, 1522; 
(219) Clement VII, 1523; 
(220) Paul III, 1534; 
(221) Julius III, 1550; 
(222) Marcellus II, 1555; 
(223) Paul IV, 1555; 
(224) Pius IV, 1559; 
(225) Pius V, 1566; 
(226) Gregory XIII, 1572; 
(227) Sixtus V, 1585; 
(228) Urban VIIl, 1590; 
(229) Gregory XIV, 1590; 
(230) Innocent IX, 1591; 
(231) Clement VIII, 1592; 
(232) Leo XI, 1605; 
(233) Paul V, 1605; 
(234) Gregory XV 1621; 
(235) Urban VIII, 1623; 
(236) Innocent X, 1644; 
(237) Alexander VII, 1655; 
(238) In 1655, Antonio Barberini, nephew of Urban VIII, was consecrated to the Episcopate under authority of the Bisbop of Rome, by Bishops Scanarello, Bottini and Govotti. He was Archbishop of Remes 1657 untill his deat in 1671, and was made a Cardinal. It is from Bishop Barerini that the Roman Succession from Peter Branches off from the Bishops of Rome. 
(239) Michael le Tellier was consecrated by Barberini in 1668. He was confessor lo King Louis XIV of France, and a Jesuit Provincal. 
(240) Jaques Benigne de Bousseut, was consecrated by le Tellier in 1670 as Bishop of Mieux, France. 
(241) James Coyon de Matignon, was consecrated by de Bousseut in 1693. 
(242) Dominicus Marie Varlet, Consecrated in 1719 in Paris by Bishop de Matignon, assisted by the Bishop of Quebec and the Bishop of Claremont. He was named Coadjutor to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Babylon who died on November 20, 1717 and Bishop Varlet succeeded to the title. After a period in Persia at Schamake, he was susspended from office for alleged technicle irregularities, including the conformation of 604 candidates in Holland, whom he had confirmed at the request of the Church in Amsterdam. The Dutcb Church had been without a Bishop for 18 years as a punishrnenl from Rome becanse the Dutch Church refused to cooperate in the persiction of the "Jansenests" in Holland. Following the election of. 
(243) Comelius Van Steenhoven to serve as Archbisbop of Utrecht, the Primatial See of Holland, Varlet agreed to perfomi the Consecration, which he did on October 15, 1724, thus making Van Steenhoven the seventh Archbishop of Utrecht and canonical successor to Saint Willibrord, lhe British missionaty who had brougbt tbe faith to Holland. In this consecration was born the Old Calinolic Church. 
(244) Johannes Van Slipinout, 1745; 
(245) Gaullherus Michael Van Niewenhuizen, 1786; 
(246) Adrian Brockman, 1778; 
(247) Johannes Jacobus Van Rhijin, 1797; 
(248) Gilbenus de Jong, 1805; 
(249) Wilibrordus Van Os, 1814; 
(250) Jobanfles Bon, 1819; 
(251) Johannes Van Santen, 1825; 
(252) Hermanus HeUkamp, 1854; 
(253) Caspanus Johannes Rinkel, 1873; 
(254) Geradus Gul, 1892. 
(255) Arnold Harris Matthew was consecrated on April 28, 1908 by Archbishop Gul of Utrecht, assisted by Bishop J. J. Van Thiel of Haarlem, Bishop N. B. P. Spit of Deventer and Bishop J. Demmel of Bonn, Germany, to serve as the First Old Catholic Bishop of Britan. 
(256) Fredrick Wiloughby, 1914; 
(257) James I Wedgewood, 1916; 
(258) Irving 5. Cooper, 1919; 
(259) Charles Hampton, 1931. Hampton was Principal consecrator of 
(260) Herman A. Spruit, 1957; 
(261) Roberto de La Caridad Toca Y Medina, 1982. 
(262) Jorge Enrique Rodriguez -Villa, 1986. 
(263) Edmundo Pellizari Filho, 1996. 
(264) Lúcio Evandro Paneque de Oliveira, 1997. 
(265) Paulo Pereira,1998,que em 1999 sagrou ao Bispo David,em Campo Grande,MS.

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