Profissão de Fé do Blog.

Profissão de Fé do Blog "Creio em um só Deus, Pai onipotente, Criador do céu e da terra, de todas as coisas visíveis e invisíveis. E em um só Senhor, Jesus Cristo, Filho Unigênito de Deus, nascido do Pai, antes de todos os séculos. Deus de Deus, Luz de Luz, Deus verdadeiro de Deus verdadeiro. Gerado, mas não feito, consubstancial ao Pai, pelo qual foram feitas todas as coisas. Ele, por causa de nós, homens, e nossa salvação, desceu dos céus. E se incarnou por obra do Espírito Santo, da Virgem Maria. E se fez homem. Foi também crucificado por nós; sob Pôncio Pilatos, padeceu e foi sepultado. E ressuscitou ao terceiro dia, segundo as Escrituras. Subiu ao céu, está sentado à direita do Pai, de onde há de vir segunda vez, com glória, a julgar os vivos e os mortos; e seu reino não terá fim. Creio no Espírito Santo, que é Senhor e Fonte da Vida e que procede do Pai e do Filho. Com o Pai e o Filho é juntamente adorado e glorificado, e é o que falou pelos Profetas. Também a Igreja, una, santa, católica e apostólica. Confesso um Batismo para remissão dos pecados. E espero a ressurreição dos mortos, e a vida do século futuro." Amém.

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Patriarca da igreja católica bizantina sofre agressão na Ucrânia.

Judgement at the head (Patriarch Elijah put on trial)

Post date:   2011-08-06 Autor:   faithful  

                                           Judgement at the head

                                      (Patriarch Elijah put on trial)

Religious sisters of the Ukrainian orthodox Greek-Catholic Church have their chapel in Lvov on 6, Pluhova St., which is their private property. On Sunday 17 July 2011, another of a series of provocative actions organized by the Redemptorists and apostatical UGCC hierarchy took place in front of the chapel, during which they “sanctified” a cross. This all took place under the leadership of O. Fredyna, until recently chancellor of the Lvov archeparchy. He now holds the new office of a church political instructor of the Lvov City Council. This office is an anachronism since the Church in Ukraine is separated from the state. The main purpose of their action was to defame the orthodox Catholics, to incite the UGCC faithful against them, to arouse religious hatred and, finally, to steal the chapel, which is the private property of the sisters, or at least to prevent celebration of Divine Liturgies in that place. In other words – religious discrimination! The orthodox Catholics, though being publicly defamed during the provocative action, did not repay evil for evil.

On Tuesday 19 July 2011, the UOGCC faithful attached a cross to the gable roof of their chapel. It provoked an immediate response of the aggressive supporters of the Redemptorists. They took our ladder, climbed to the roof of private property – the chapel, which is against the law, and threw the cross down to the ground. A small group of our believers had to seek refuge in the church, otherwise there was a threat of bodily harm. The following criminal acts were committed:
a) unlawful intrusion into private land and destruction of private property,
b) public desecration of a religious symbol – the Christian symbol of the cross,
c) threat to health.

The frightened believers of the UOGCC hid in the chapel and called the police. Before the police arrived, the rioters fled. After this event about 20 believers of the UOGCC came to the place. Around ten o’clock in the evening the owners arrived – the sisters with a camera. They asked two bishops of the UOGCC to be present too. The police investigated the throwing down of the cross and damage to property. Everything was watched by several people from neighbouring apartments, who had previously attended the inflammatory events of the Redemptorists. They hurled nasty and hateful insults at the orthodox Catholics. When Patriarch Elijah wanted their hateful reactions to be recorded by the camera, it aroused even more intense expressions of hatred. Soon afterwards, many of the fanaticized ran down and a group of about 30 people started to attack the orthodox even physically. Instead of preserving the public peace the police let the assaulters do what they wanted. Mrs X, filled with hatred, came running and attacked the sister who was recording that all by camera. Bishop Elijah, who stood beside the sister, tried to protect her against another physical assault, and he also covered the camera. In self-defence in darkness, he hit the attacking woman in the face with his hand. Another sister present had to put up resistance to the woman’s further attacks. The method was clear: to attack and provoke, and if someone stands in defence, to make a scene as if the attackers were hurt, then to go to the doctor bribed and have an alleged injury confirmed. And “evidence material” to a frame-up trial is ready! The Bishop suffered a strong blow to the head. His glasses fell to the ground. The other Bishop was also wounded by being struck on the head. The police did not respond even to the notice about an aggressive man running about with a knife and later on with an about 40-centimetre-long iron rod and uttering threats. The rioters, having agreed on a plan before, began to demand in an aggressive way that the police should arrest Bishop Elijah. Bishop Elijah told the police that they should have identified and arrested the rioters. Nevertheless, the police forcibly pulled the Bishop into the car without any explanation. All testified to the fact that it was an organized action conspired by the Redemptorists and the apostatical UGCC leadership. On Sunday, during the consecration-of-the-cross ceremony, they said that the reason why they had come was to get rid of a “dangerous” sect. This is a public libel and criminal fomentation of religious hatred.

A clear proof that the whole event had a predetermined aim was that the police took up none of the attackers but the Bishop who defended himself against the furious mob. The police detained him from 24:00 to 14:30. They did not allow forensic medical examination which he had asked for. Readiness of the police was only too astonishing: the Patriarch arrested in the middle of the night and put on trial early in the morning, no evidence provided by the sisters, no forensic medical examination allowed. The frame-up trial was to be held at 9 o’clock in the morning. The police provided Shevchenko District Court merely with one-sided evidence material supplied by the attackers.

The chief judge was exposed to pressure and manipulation with the purpose of the trial ending with a terrible paradox – imprisonment penalty or deportation! This has been the aim of the UGCC clergy already for several years. A 67-year-old advocate demanded that the aggrieved party should also be given the opportunity to bear testimony. Eventually he was successful. When three religious sisters and one layman gave their veracious testimony, it was clear that the testimony of the enemies was biased and false.

Bishop Elijah, Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, who became a victim of an aggressive mob, was sentenced to a financial fine of 51 hryvnia. Redemptorists, UGCC leadership and the believers influenced by them are dissatisfied. Obviously they will continue their struggle for absurd imprisonment of the Patriarch by lodging an appeal and using bribes.

The following charges were put before the court:

Charge N.1: This sect disturbs the night’s rest, children cannot sleep.
Response: Our evening services last from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the most and do not disturb the night’s rest in any way. On the evening of 19 July the night’s rest was not disturbed by the orthodox Catholics but by the fanaticized supporters of the Redemptorists.

“Children cannot sleep” – The accuser who brings a charge against Bishop Elijah, saying that through his fault and through the fault of the orthodox believers her children cannot sleep, does not even know whom she condemns. Patriarch Elijah fights against destructive influences that attack the Ukrainian society. It mainly concerns establishment of the juvenile justice system and demoralization of children through sexual antieducation in schools. Dear Madam, he fights for you and your children. Will you sleep peacefully when your children are demoralized through homosexual propaganda at school or when juvenile justice takes your children away from you without any possibility of an appeal? Do you know what is in store for them? They will be placed in reception camps and then, by means of so-called international adoption, sold to homosexuals or paedophiles or even sold for organs. This has already become a common practice in the West! Patriarch Elijah and the UOGCC believers have written hundreds of letters to the President, government, parliamentarians and international organizations in order that both you and your children may sleep peacefully. But when your children are removed from you, they will cry inconsolably and you will have sleepless nights full of despair. An example of a victim of juvenile justice is Mrs N. Zakharova whose 3-year-old daughter was removed from her and not returned until this day. Through the intervention of Patriarch Elijah Mrs Zakharova was first transported from the French prison to Russia, and through his next intervention the President declared an amnesty for this innocent mother. The person who is struggling for your own good is on the dock and you bring charges against him and demand punishment for him. Patriarch Elijah called on all church representatives in Ukraine to appeal to Members of Parliament by 1 August not to legalize the juvenile justice system at any price either in August 2011 or ever in the future.

Charge N.2: Bishop Elijah offered resistance to arrest.
Response: Bishop Elijah as well as the sisters and the faithful have already had experience of the police becoming an instrument of the cunning interests of the apostatical hierarchy and therefore not protecting the victims or even directly participating in the crime. Example: Stryi (August 2008); abduction of a postulant from the monastery in Bryukhovychi with the assistance of the police (2009); Chortkiv and Probizhna (2010) / On 19 July 2011 on Pluhova Street, the police gave no reason why they did not check the papers of or arrest the rioters and those who had committed criminal offences. They did not state the reason why they only arrested Bishop Elijah who had been attacked by the criminals.

Charge N.3: The Patriarch slapped across the face of one of the persons.
Response: The Patriarch defended one of the religious sisters against the woman who attacked her and hit the camera. Defence of another person against an attack is a duty of every citizen. After hitting (in the dark, around 11 p.m.) the attacking woman in the face in self-defence, the Bishop himself was heavily struck on the head. According to the canon law, in case of physical assault against a bishop the person concerned incurs the heaviest penalty of excommunication. This also applies to the rioters who physically beat the other bishop present.

Who is Bishop Elijah and what does he represent? Bishop Elijah is Patriarch of the newly established Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP). He is a true monk, doctor of theology and former lecturer of Catholic dogmatics. He defends the fundamental truths of the Gospel against the current heresies which destroy the very essence of Christianity. He also stands against moral devastation both in the Church and in the world. On 1 May 2011, he and the bishops of the Patriarchate published before the whole Christian world God’s anathema upon the present Pope Benedict XVI for his introduction of an antigospel by beatifying an apostate John Paul II. He thus cast out the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, from the Church and received the spirit of Assisi, the spirit of antichrist, instead. Nowadays, this anathema has fallen even upon all bishops and priests of the Catholic Church who make unity with Benedict XVI’s apostasy and mention his name in the liturgy. The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate also declared excommunication upon 24 Protestant Churches for ordaining gay and lesbian priests and also for granting blessings to so-called gay or lesbian unions or antimarriages. The Patriarchate thus protects the essence of the Gospel and the saving faith and fights against the spirit of lie and moral devastation not only in the Catholic Church but in whole Christianity.

Apart from the BCP, nobody has recently in such measure urged the President, government and MPs of Ukraine and deputies of the Lvov City Council to protect the nation against so-called juvenile justice which groundlessly removes children from good families. This is a fight against demoralization, demonization and genocide of the nation. The BCP’s true and courageous attitude is a living reminder for the apostatical UGCC hierarchy. This is the real cause of the frame-up trial. Their aim is one: to compromise and destroy the orthodox opposition represented by the UOGCC.

(a participant in the court)

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